Monday, December 3, 2012

So much has changed!

What a different life I have now that I am a wife and a mother! During the past many years, I married my best friend (May 2009), and after 15 month of trying to conceive, we began the wonderful journey of pregnancy (Feb 2011) and parenthood (Sept 2011).

Cameron and I had been good friends for six years when we married, and we are better friends by the day! Our marriage has had it's trials with Cameron losing his job early on and being unemployed for nearly two years, with job struggles for me at times, and with the struggle to get pregnant and financial difficulties. During all of those times, we clung to each other and to God's faithfulness and promises. He never ceased to amaze us with His goodness and provision.

Josiah, our precious son, came to us six weeks early, much to our surprise! It was a very fast and pretty straight-forward labour, less than five hours! I was blessed to be able to do it with no drugs, so I was euphoric afterwards, loving all of the oxytocin surging through my body. Josiah was in the NICU with no serious problems for three weeks and we were ecstatic to finally be able to take him home with us. He is still a small fellow, but tall like his daddy. We adore him and are loving each stage as it comes. He's fourteen months old now and into everything, but I wouldn't have it any other way. :)

We are still serving in our church here in Hamilton, Fellowship Baptist Church, and we've enjoyed it immensely. Because we are moving to Christchurch in January for Cameron's Air Traffic Control training, we will be leaving our wonderful church family up here, which will no doubt be difficult! We are looking forward to serving in a wonderful church down that way, though, and we are eager to continue to serve the Lord wherever He leads us.

There's the latest about us, now to get blogging again!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

A woman of God...

How I desire to be a woman of God. Tonight I was reading Proverbs 31 and challenged yet again to be a more Godly woman. So much I have yet to learn, to strive for as I seek to be more like my perfect Saviour.

Every day I am reminded of the helplessness of self and necessity of His strength to accomplish anything of worth. How often I attempt to glorify God in my own strength- to no avail.

Please pray for me to be a woman of God, a woman seeking to praise her Lord, a woman serving whole-heartedly, and a woman worthy of the affections of the man pursuing. How I long to see God's perfect will accomplished in my life. May my heart be fully open to the Spirit and His leading. God is so good!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Piper Sept prayer letter...written by me.

Dear Faithful Friends and Prayer Partners,

Thank you so much for your treasured prayer these past months. As many of you know, soon after our last prayer letter, Lynette made an emergency trip to Michigan to be with her parents and help her father. During the five weeks she was gone, Garth was very ill and had surgery to remove his gall bladder laparascopically. Thankfully, he had a quick recovery and is doing well now. Grant just had his 12th birthday (even though he looks 16!) and Lydia just turned 21.

Garrett spent his summer travelling with FaithWay Baptist College’s Servant Singers. He was privileged to travel Canada coast to coast. He and Lynette met in LA and flew home on July 23rd. Finally our family was together again! The three weeks Garrett was home were packed full of memories. He and his girlfriend, Rebecca Broxholme (from a sister church an hour from here) are now starting the fall semester at FaithWay.
Soon after Lynette and Garrett arrived home, the Hassel family arrived from Illinois for a family holiday/missions trip. They ran a couple sessions of Neighborhood Time and while they were here we saw several kids saved. We fit in plenty of fun as well to make their trip memorable- boiling mud pits, luging, goat hunting, black sand beaches, seeing glowworms in caves, bungy jumping, zorbing…I think they’ll remember this trip. :)

Our church is growing steadily and we are looking forward to beginning Reformers Unanimous very soon. The workers are eager and learning so much. Lydia is enjoying being church secretary. She is a blessing and we are glad to have her here serving. We recently had a special Bible Revival, hosted by Pastor Jono Millar and Fellowship Baptist Church in Hamilton. Over 150 people attended and many hearts were touched and three souls added to the Book of Life! We treasure our times together, especially since many churches are so small and don’t have much fellowship. God is so good.

Thank you for your faithfulness and prayers. Lydia and Grant especially loved all of the birthday cards!
Your Servants in New Zealand,
Garth, Lynette, Lydia and Grant

Friday, July 11, 2008

His Goodness

When I feeel most worried, it is then I must turn to Christ! Wednesday night as I wondered how dad's surgery would go, I cried and wished mum was here with us. Soon, however, I got out my Bible and read in Psalms and within moments my heart was relieved of all pressure. Now, I am reminded of how GREAT my God is- the Great Comforter, in charge of all things.

God has mum in America for a reason, he has Garrett travelling Canada encouraging people in the churches there, and he has dad resting body and soul in the hospital. He has me learning how to take care of a home, and he has precious people looking after Grant. Wow- our family is spread out today, but God is watching each of us! May my eyes never stray from His goodness.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

The Importance of Family...

Today I remembered and pondered,
How full my life has been,
All the precious moments with family,
All the priceless moments with friends.

I hope I never take it for granted,
Nor miss a moment so dear;
For it's my family and friends and Saviour,
That encourage me year after year.

No matter the heartache I cause them;
No matter the mistakes I may make;
Their special love is unbroken,
And they promise it will never break.

Oh Lord, thank You for showing this,
This agape love so true,
And may my life from this day forward,
Shine forth, Shine fully for You.

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Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christmas in Michigan

The Hayward Family Photo...

The Piper Family Photo!

Lyd, Megan, and Chelsey Piper

Alex, Lyd, and Maddie Piper

How wonderful to spend the holidays with family! Garrett and I were discussing it tonight and we can't believe that we're really here! We love it, and it's nice to have a break from studying. I love our family, and I love having time to make these memories! God is do good, and I'm so thankful for a Godly heritage and parents and grandparents who love the Lord! What a special Christmas!

Saturday, November 24, 2007

American Thanksgiving in Michigan!

We had the wonderful PRIVILEGE to go home to Michigan for American Thanksgiving, even though it took three days of class cuts! It was wonderful to re-coup a bit and spend time with my wonderful family and relatives. We had a ton of wonderful food and fellowship, and a bit of games and shopping thrown in, too. Oh- and today (Friday), we gals tried to spook some deer, but in the process of a "fifteen minute walk", we ended up wandering in the woods for an hour! haha. I don't think dad will find us willing "deer drivers" anymore! It was quite the adventure, though, and filled with many memories and I can't wait to tell my friends at college about our escapades. lol. Here are a couple photos to give you a glimpse of my wonderful family, as well as a sneak peak into my web album that has many more. I am so Thankfull for all God gives me and I am blessed more than I could ever deserve. Thanks to you all who are so special in my life- I praise God for your prayers, love and support! May we never forget why there is a ThanksGiving day- God gives us all that we have!
Grandpa Hayward and I
The Family gathered in my aunt's basement...
Dalynne and I got our own special table...
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